
Sunday, August 31, 2003

I think i am now officially disabled. Yes thats right i am seriously disabled. I have a blister on my thumb.

And god it was painful. It also proves that my job is dangerous. It was all caused as i was putting some soup in a bowl i accidently spilt it all over my thumb. I then procedded to get an incredible large blister, which was also very painful.

It has now been popped and had a plaster put over it.

But enough of the disgusting stuff. I will soon be back at school. This tuesday i will be going on a team-building exercise in the lake district, to help me get to know my new class mates and other important stuff. To say that the sign uyp form had the question of "Can you swim 50 M in light clothing" has got me slighlty worried to what we'll be doing.

I'll give you a full description of the amazing adventure after its done, thats if i survive it.

Good night.

Friday, August 29, 2003

Is it just me or is British music going downhill? I mean at the moment Girls Aloud are on Top of the Pops singing there most recent "song". Is it just me or does it have the same tune as Wonder wall by Oasis. They also seem to be doing some dance moves that seem to be straight out of "i'm a little teapot"? But who am i to decide what these "tunes" those "kidz" are "down with" at the moment?

So today i did quite alot. In the way that i did nothing at all. I did go to work in the morning. I have been at my new job for about a week now. And its very tiring. Its not exactly complicated (puring drinks, clearing plates) but the early mornings and late nights do get hard. Anyway i decided that what i've written abouit my GCSE's is going to have to be enough. The moment of writing about them has passed, i've missed it. lets all just move on.

So this tuesday i have an outward bound day. Its where all the poeple going to 6th form go on some trip to Ullswater in the lake district. Its meant to be for team building anmd to meet new people you'll be going to 6th form with. After the Emily incident i have decided to make sure i get to know the new people. Because if i don't i could very well over look someone that i could be incredible good friends with.

In fact this is a message to all of you reading this (yes you 2). Make sure you get to know people, people you think you may not get on with, you may be pleasantly surprised.

Oh and on a final note i got £80 of my parents today for my GCSE results, congratualtions to myself.

Thursday, August 28, 2003


Some people describe them as the opposite sex, others describe them as coming from venus. I'm not much of an astronomer so I can't verify the latter, but i'm pretty certain about the first.

Today i met one of these "Women". I was in Blackpool today with my family (mum, dad and brother, not the extended version), we had to get some clothes for my brother for school and I wanted to buy lots of books from "Waterstones". Anyway we had to go to J-D Sports so my bro could look for some shoes. When my mum asked for some shoes for my brother to try on, by chance the person working there that she asked was someone I went to school with.

This may not sound anything entirely exciting/shocking/relevent, but you will see where it leads. Anyway this was a girl, who in school I had never really talked to. Not necessarily becuase I didn't like her, simply beucase of the normal stuff of, she wasn't really in any of my lessons, we had differenet groups of friends, that kinda thing.

So as my brother tried his shoes on we began talking, she asked how i had done in my GCSE's, asked what I got the D in (no one ever asks what you got the A* in), where i was going to collage. I asked her where she was going, what she was taking (she said she was going to take Media in collage, i had taken it for GCSE), i said she'd enjoy it etc. She even laughed at one of my jokes (I would like to claim that a girl laughing at one of my jokes is a normal occurance, but it isn't).

Then as I left the shop with my family (for those of you following the sub-plot of my brother getting shoes i'll conclude it by saying he bought the ones there), she said good luck in collage and i replied with a "You too".

Now i have told you this little story beucase I was quite shocked by it all. I got the feeling from her that she was a genuinly nice person, and actually meant good luck and wasn't just making small talk. This is a person who i never got the chance to talk to in school and i have know found out that, i think, we would have got on well. But with her going to a different collage, it is doubtful i will see her again (unless i go into J-D Sports again, which is doubtful as this is not a shop i forgoe often).

What annoyed me the most was that i couldn't even remeber her name, i was so annoyed that i looked it up in my yearbook, and discovered that it was Emily Pallant. This is just one of those things where you can go to school with someone for 5 years and barely even know there name, when in fact you may get on with them incredible well, if youi got to know them.

This left me in a slightly upset mood, however i did cheer up when i went to Waterstones.

Waterstones is my favourite store. Books are cool, i enjoy reading. Lately i've trying to widen my reading horizen. These are the books i bought:

Sourcery by Terry Pratchett
Missing by Catherine Macphail
Witch Child by Cilia Rees
Brave new world by Aldous Huxly
Animal Farm by George Orwell
The catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger

with Child sounding praticallular interesting as it is a diray found about a girl in the 17th centuray whose grandmother was killed after beingaccusedof being a witch.

Sadly i cannot read any of these yet until i finish Wuthering Heights. Its not that i'm not enjoying it, its just that its seems to be taking a long time to read, even though it isn't that long and i'm a fast reader. I also still need to read "The color Purple".

Plans for reading that though aren't giong well. It seems i left it a bit late and i can't find a copy anywhere. I will needs to have read it by next Thursday, thats when i start 6th form. I've ordered it from WH Smith, where they say it will take about 7 working days, and from the library who have no idea how long it will be. Of course this could be all for nothing as i could be in the class doing "Wuthering Heights".

That feels better. A proper blog entry after all my bitty ones over the last couple of days. I'll leave with my quote of the week, whicvh strangly enough comes from my brother. Its what i believe to be one of the best and funniest putdowns that should probably be in a film, it is,

"You think your so good, but your not"

Thats harsh.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

no i am not dead, just extremely over worked. That is why i havn't had chance to post.

Any hoo, cause of this i'm gonna leave it till tomorrow (my day off) to carry on from my last post all about my GCSE's and my new job etc.

Instead i will just mention "Wuthering Heights". As you know i have to read it for A level and i have to say so far i'm enjoying. I was a bit worried i wouldn't but i'm very pleased i am. Mainly because i've been wating to read more classics so its good to know that i'm enjoying some of them.

At the moment were having a door put in, in the hallway leading into the garage. As the hallway leads to all the rooms downstairs and its now covered with bits of rubble and builders (not bits of builders, whole builders) we've had to avoid it.

This means getting around the house downstairs involves lots of going outside coming back in through the conservatory to get to the living room and then back out again to get to the kitchen.

So i'll leae you for now, i want to get a drink and it may take a good hour or so to navigate my way through the hall.


Sunday, August 24, 2003

I was going to jump straight into my GCSE results, but instead in a vain attempt to build suspense i will first complain about the fact were made to do them.

Anyone who has done there GCSE's, or A levels, or for that matter any exams, will have no doubt heard the teachers immortal phrase "These are the most important test's you will ever do". Now is it just me or is telling students that these tests will determine there future, whether it be what college, uni, job, dole centre they go to, a bad way to motivate people? I may be being a bit niave here, i mean fear is a good motivater, but i'd rather it wasn't so much,

Teacher: GET TO WORK YOU BASTARDS! THESE ARE BLOODY IMPORTANT! I DON'T WANT TO LOOK BAD IF YOU LOT DON'T PASS! (whips the students a few times and throws some chairs at them)

But i suppose not all teachers uses this teaching style. Actually what really annoys me about them is that the grades really have no relevence or importance, other than to yourself. I mean when you apply for a job or to go to uni, they only ever ask how many GCSE's you have. You could very well have 10 GCSE's but have got D's and E's in them all, another person could have 9 GCSE's but have A's and A*'s in them all.....This was leading to some sort of point...ermmm....ahh yes that the person with 10 GCSE's may look better than the person with 9 even though person with 9 is smarter than person with 10, if you get my drift.

The other thing is that everyone gets so worked up about them, when to be honest they don't seem that important, i mean once you've done A levels people are usually more bothered about them. I have to say i really wasn't that bothered about the results, other people said how nervous they were, how they couldn't stop thinking about them etc, well i could. I never really thought about them till the day we got them.

Hold on a second, my dad wants to disconnect teh electricity for a few minutes to do something or other, back in a minute.

Ok its a race against time now for me to say all i want to say before i have to go to work. Well the day we got the results, thursday.

I went to school. I walked up to the front door, to find a sign saying the results are in the 6th form comman room. I'm sure they just do stuff like this to annoy me. I walk to the other side of the school and go in. Theres about 10 teachers sat around, including our year 11 head, and an array of other teachers. Suprisingly our Headteacher is not there. I walk over to a large table, with all the results on. Theres no queueing, its more of a case of first come first serve. I find an envolope with my name on it, i assume it has the reuslts in side. I contemplate for a moment whether i should "borrow" someother peoples results, and blackmail, but i decide against it. I open the envolope. I'm no good with envelopes, i can't just open it at the openy bit, i ended up tearing it all off. I finally get to my results, and now that i feel the tension has been built up enough with some snappy short sentances and rambling about nothing here are my results.

History A*
Biology A
Media studies A
English A/B
English literature B
Maths B
Physics B
Chemistry B
French D

This is definatly the worst part of GCSE's. My results are not bad, but i'm still not happy with them. I would ahve prefered more A's (the frnech i'm not arsed about).

And now i've got to leave right in the middle of a sentance to go to work, i'll post more tomorow.

Saturday, August 23, 2003

Well i don't want to get into a habit of saying sorry a the beginning of every post, so instead i will not. In fact it is all your fault. Obviously you shouldn't have checked here when i hadn't posted. anyway.

This is just a short post as its late and i'm tired. I havn't been able to post lately because i've been very busy. GCSE results, parties, new job. etc etc. So your gonna have to wait a few more days to hear all about this. Hopefully i'll get to post either tomorrow or on monday.

Anyway, goodnight to you all, i better get some sleep now as i have to get up early for work tommorow, oh the joys of a working life.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

ok, firstly, sorry, i wanted to post some more in my blog yesterday, but i've been pretty busy and didn't get chance. I won't bore you with the details but basically my cousins came round (ones 6, and the others 8) and i was playing with them most of the day (i'm a big kid at heart), then later on my brother rented Daredevil and i ended up watching that with him. I've seen it before but decided to watch it again, its a good film that falls foul of a dodgy script, shame really as it could have been much better.

Ok then lets get on with the blog. Well today I had my induction day for my job. I am now officially employed by the Hilton hotel Blackpool. Where i will be working in the restaurant (is that spelt right?). Now some people may say I only got this job because my dad works there, they would be quite right in saying this. But i'd prefer to think I got it on my own merits, so I probably shouldn't have just posted that information on the internet. oh well.

But I believe i do deserve this job as its been a load of bloody trouble trying to get it. You see originally i was going for a job in the playroom, which they have open at the weekends and during holidays and stuff, for kids. You see this would consist of watching kids play and playing with them etc, and as i mentioned before being a big kid means this would be perfect.

so I went for an interview with the person who would have been my boss. It wasn't really an interview as she was desperate for people so i had the job before i went. But then trouble arose. A great evil came to smite my plans. An evil some call.....HUMAN RESOURCES! (Pause for dramatic effect)

You see the people in the human resources firstly told my boss-to-be that they were the ones that did the interviews. This meant I had to arrange to have another interview. The day of the interview came. And I got a call to tell me that the interview was off, as every one from human resources was off because off sickness/hangover/family death/family problem/personel problem/someone elses problem/can't be arsed to come in (take your pick).

They then didn't bother to call back to arrange another time. Apparantly the job in the playroom had gone. Not becasue they had someone else but because human resources decided the people already doing it were enough to cover all the shifts. In other words they didn't want to pay any more moeny out. So they offered me another job in the restaurant.

So i went for an interview a couple of days ago and today had my induction. Normal thy have special days when a group of new workers come in and have a 2 hour induction where they have hotel tour/safety rules etc. I was special though, I got my own personel day. My "tutour" was the deputy restaurant manager, who my father informed me was nicknamed in the hotel "chocolate fireguard". And we all know how useful a chocolate fireguard is. I then got a basic summary of the induction day with no tour. I had more questions by the end then I did at the start. I mean he'd told me workers come in through the back door, but he hadn't shown me wear the backdoor was! There was lots of other little things as well that i can't be bothered to type.

Hmmm.. i'e had a quick read through of what i've just written, i'm still new to this so it may be a few more posts before i get it perfected, talking of being new why don't you all have a look at my friends blog at richardwainman.blogspot.com. (was that a smooth link from what i've been up to, to teling you about a friends blog, or what?). Anyway he's just started it, after being influenced by my own amazing work.

I leave you know until the next post which will either be a party becuase of good GCSE results or a funeral beucause of the opposite. I also leave you with my "quote of week", from my friend Richard talking about his own blog and mine,

"if i can build my blogs upto the level of your first one, i will be satisfied"


Sunday, August 17, 2003

I was hoping to have a really great memorable first sentence, an “I capture the castle” style “I write this sitting in the kitchen sink”, but as I’m typing this on a computer at my desk, sitting on any sort of kitchen equipment would be quite difficult, and I doubt my mum would be happy about it. So instead I’ve decided to just describe the person who’s typing this, me.

Well my name, as you may be able to tell from this blog’s name, is Matthew. I’m 16 and I live in a small town (or a large village, depending on how you look at it) in the North West of England, near Blackpool. I live in a detached house, in a cul-de-sac with my parents and my younger brother.

Technically I left school about 2 months ago now, and I’ll be getting my GCSE’s this week. However, assuming nothing disastrously bad happens with my results, I’ll be going back at the end of the summer holidays to go to the 6th form Collage there.

Ok, I have lots of stuff I want to talk about, but also as I’ve only just started this blog, I want to let you guys (that’s assuming someone is actually reading this) get to know me a bit more. So I’ll try to space it out in a few different blogs as much as I can. But first lets personalise this blog a bit more by me telling you what I’m up to right now.

Its Saturday night at the moment but I won’t get chance to post this till tomorrow, so I’m a bit behind. At the moment Fame Academy’s on my TV, it seems the BBC thought their Big Brother/Popidol crossover was good enough for a second series and all of its viewers (yes those 2) seem to agree.

The person singing at the moment though is singing one of my favourite songs “How can I live without you” by Leanne Rymes, which was the theme song to the most unlikely film, “Con Air”, which happens to be one my favourite stupidly over the top action films. I mean who can beat lines like “Put the bunny back in the box”? Anyway I don’t think she’s a terrible singer but I’d rather she left it to Leanne to sing.

Anyway I’ll leave my thoughts on shows like that and Popidol for another day.

Ok then back to me. Well like most people these days I have different interests (they’re the height of fashion). I enjoy reading, playing computer games, going to the pictures, and cycling (well its not really an interest, its just I sometimes go out for a ride to pass the time, so it’s more of a pastime then a interest).

At the moment I’m reading the 4th book in “The Wheel of Time” series, “The Shadow Rising”. I think I read too many fantasy books though, and I may be on the verge of becoming a nerd (an incredible cool nerd, but still...). Actually I don’t read that many, and the ones I do read aren’t exactly hardcore fantasy books (you know what I mean you dirty minded people).

I have been reading some comedy books as well such as Terry Pratchett’s “Discworld” series and Douglas Adams’, “The Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy” which are both excellent and very funny.

As I’m taking English Literature for A level I’ve decided to read some more classical books, George Orwell’s “1984” and Dodie Smith’s “I capture the castle” are a couple I have just read and both are excellent. 1984 I especially recommend to anyone planning a career in politics or world domination (aren’t they the same thing?). I also need to read “Wuthering Heights” and “The Colour Purple” for lessons.

Whoa ok, I’ve already written more than I planned for my first post so I’ll stop here. Don’t forget to check back every couple of days, as that’s how often I hope to be updating it. And for those 2 of you reading this, who didn’t get bored and just skipped to the bottom, there’s a certificate in the post on its way to you.

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