
Friday, September 12, 2003

ok, i am very, very, very, very (etc) sorry about not posting.

I would like to be able to say that i havn't posted for so long for some incredibly good reason. That i've been ahving trouble with the work load, that i have some sort of hand disabling injury, or even that i was abducted by aliens. but no, the reason i don't really know, i just didn't post, but now i'm back. with a vengence. and this time is technological.

(it took me ages to think of a computer/internet related replacement for personal)

Sadly i don't have much time to write at the moment and as i want my returning post to be a very large incredible entertaining one, i have decided to leave it till sunday when i have time to write it (or monday depending on my homework load). so thank you to all those who have still bothered to check whether i've updated or not. talk to you soon.

Friday, September 05, 2003

Today was my second day at 6th form collage. i'll give you a run down of the last couple of days.

English Language

basically just listened to our teacher talk for the lesson, easy enough. sat next to my friend kathy. hmm. thats about it. ok i'll expand in a slightly unrelated way.

I think i'm getting more insulting. I mean you know when you take the piss out of your mates, not seriously just messing about. i think i'm doing it a bit too much that its just not getting funny and instead just insulting. how does this link to eng lit? cos i sit next to kathy and kathy is one of teh people i have been to mean to. Thats it ruen over new leave time, or find which ever leave i had before, i'll try and be kinder. you bastards (bad matthew!- ed).

General studies

i'm a lazy arse so i'm just gonna quote something my frined wrote about it in another blog, yes i'm just copying but i would have only written similar.

"In the Hall. I suppose the best way to describe General Studies would be 'PSHE with attitude'. We watched a clip from 'Men In Black', which interpreted the wrong way, could suggest we're supposed to disrupt everyone else by partaking in spontaneous bouts of furniture removal. We randomly rearranged everyone, then answered a few quick questions in groups, about media, politics etc. We were, quite evidently, well-up in our general knowledge."


listened to teacher talk aobut the subjusct, had double lesson of this. the second lesson i had one of my fave teachers. Mrs. Royle. She drinks, smokes and swears, and thats just in school hours (boom boom tish). SAhes very funny. I had to apoligise to her from a friend of mine jamie. You see he was very upset he didn't have her teaching him, as last year they had gotten on so well. Especially when he photocopied my coursework and handed it in as his own and then swore at her when she got pisse dof with him when she found out and when he hadn't handed any work in for weeks. yes i forgave him. (though sometimes i wonder why, nay, hes alright though, good for a laugh).

okay i ran out of time again, my dad wants to go on the net.

I'll leave you with my quote of the week. This goes to a friend of mine Caroline Lloyd. I was talking to her about my bad French GCSE even though i'm in top set. When i told her she said,

Caroline: A D? but i thought you were good at french


Thursday, September 04, 2003

After my slightly crappy last couple of entries, and yet again not having enough energy to add to my blog each day i've decided to enter a bit of a monster blog (as in big, not scary and disturbing, though it might be that as well).

On Tuesday my future classmates for 6th form and I went to Ullswater in the Lake District for a team building course.

The day started at school with us being sorted into forms. I seem to have been put into one of the worst forms. Ok, maybe saying it’s the worst form is the wrong way to describe it, but it’s a form that is half full of students from other schools and the other half, students from my school that I had hardly talked to even though i had known them for 5 years.

After an extremely boring hour and a half coach drive, we arrived. We split into our forms and began the "activities" of the day. I was "lucky" enough to start with the orienteering. Now having been in the Scouts (stop laughing) I have done this quite a few times and and was quite looking forward to it. I stupidly believed that we would actually be doing proper orienteering, this would involve using a compass to find our way. But no. Instead we got the "exciting" simple version, which consisted of getting into pairs, and given a map with the stampy things marked out on it. So instead of using a compass to find it we just looked on the map. You can imagine what a "challange" this was.

Next we got to do the nightline. This was where the group was blindfolded and we had to follow a rope around the wood, using our "communication" skills to warn each other of things getting in the way and things we might trip over etc. This was quite difficult as obviously we couldn't see a thing so you had to rely on the rest of your team, or your feet.

Then we had our lunch, I won't cover this in too much detail as it was pretty uneventful, other than Richard giving me the book "the colour purple". As i hadn't been able to find it in any shops so was borrowing it. He had wrapped it in brown paper so as not to let our popularity (read: lack of) suffer by people seeing it. However it lead to some very shifty dealings to any one watching as he slipped me the book.

After lunch we did Dynamics. I can't really be bothered to explain this that much but i will say basically that it involved lots of little games to build our confidence as a team, throwing balls at each other in a circle and other rubbish. It was however quite fun.

Next was the abseiling. I have done this quite a few times before, however rather than it getting easier each time it seem to get worse. Especially teh last time I had done it. That was beucase i seem to have this mad teacher who decided that I should put one hand on my head. So i then had to go down the side of a vertical wall with one hand on my head and the other on a piece of rope. This did not put confidence in me.

However i manged to conquer my fear and abseil down the side of a tree. With both hands firmly on the rope.

Anyhow after this it was time to go home. It seems our team building had built enough teams. So we returned home.

I then spent the evening trying to finish "the colour purple" for today as i need to have read it. However today i discovered that i am in the group doing wuthering Heights. Thank god as i never finished the book.

I'll tell you about my first day at 6th form collage tomorrow. As right now i've got to go watch some TV.


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