
Tuesday, October 14, 2003

i've decided to post about my worry about next weeks"night at the movies" party. You see its a party for 6th form where you have to go dressed as a character from a film, hence the name. The problem is i have no idea what to ogo as. My idea's of "the invisible man" or just wear normal clothes and say your an extra have so far proved fruitless, and are no longer as fyunny as they were the first time i mentioned it. It is becoming a scary reality that i may get to next week with nothing to wear.

anyway this is just a short post as i'm trying to watch the Cantebury tales.

ohh i'll quickly mention that i'mn going to Paris. you see its a school trip originally for French and geography students as it has relevence to there course. but they weren't getting that many poeple going on it. So then they opened it up to the art classes as well, cos apparantly theres lots of art in France. But stioll they havn't filled up there full amount. So finally its got to the point of "bugger it! anyone can come!". So Richard wasn't sure whether to go or not but he said he'd go if he had someone to go with, so i'm going as well.

its £150, which i can just afford thanks to being paid a week ago for my job. should be good, the price includes entrance to Disneyland and hopefully we'll get to go to the Eifel tower. i may understand bugger all french but they all speak English in France and those that don't can understand you if you shout loudly and slowly. true story.

Mr. Mates (the french teacher i had last year who caused me to get a D in French cos he was such a bad teacher) was the person i had to go see about it. i don't really like him. He's a very matey (ohh look i made a joke!) kind of teacher but we just don't gel. oh well i'm not exactly bothered about it. i'll just stay far away from him.

i was going to finish with a quote but its just gone from my mind. damn short loss memory, so i'll just say goodbye.

what was i going to say now?

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Yes, yes I know, but lets just forget about the lack of blogging for ages and get down to business.

So, me, my life, moi, yep…stuff…interesting stuff…yes. Ok then so nothing thrillingly amazingly exciting has happened but hopefully I manage to tell what did happen in a vaguely entertaining way. Now where to start…

Well for those of you who have read my early blogs you know that I live near Blackpool and work at the Hilton hotel. Well if you follow news of what’s happening in our country, you will know about the Conservative Party coming to Blackpool for their annual bug meeting thingy. Some of these meetings have been held at the Hilton and on Wednesday I was serving at one.

Now before you all clamour round with questions of “did you see Ian Duncan Smith?” and, “Ian Duncan Smith? Who’s that?” I’m afraid to tell you that he wasn’t there that night. In fact no one really important was there. I got the joy of serving some tobacco company.

Yes that’s right a tobacco company. What this has to do with politics I’m not entirely sure, but I was upset that there didn’t seem to be any Cuban tobacco and drugs lords. Oh well you can’t have everything. Now you see as for some reason, there may be someone sad enough out there to try and blow up all these “people that have something to do with politics but have never heard”, there was tight security.

Namely in the force of Christine. Christine is the security manager, and is the extreme end of what you imagine a security and safety manager to be like. For example, last week I was serving at another dinner. A few others and me were setting up the room before the event. The band for the evening was practising on the stage. Then in marched Christine, who proceeded to have a conversation with the band manager. Now I wasn’t near enough to hear but I could quite easily guess what it was about. It seemed the band were practising too loud and were disturbing us from working. After talking to the band manager, Christine came over to us and told us we’d have to find something else to do, as it seemed that the load music was “distracting” us from working. And what important work were we doing, that needed our full concentration? Tearing up empty cardboard boxes.

So when I walked in Wednesday evening, Christine was at the staff entrance, “securing” the area. She then proceeded to ask me if I had my identification with me. Now I had forgotten my identification. We don’t normally need to bring it in, but we had been told about it so I could understand that it was partially my fault. So anyway Christine wouldn’t let me in. It seems that it doesn’t matter that my father works at the hotel, or that Christine knows who I am, or that half the hotel knows who I am. I still needed my identification.

So my dad was called down to the back door. He said he could verify for me, but still I couldn’t come in. So my Dad had to drive me home to get my identification, as my mum was out. Now my dad as quite an important job at the hotel. He’s the events manager, and that evening we had a lot of important events happening for the Conservatives. So taking out time to drive me home isn’t exactly a good idea. So half way home we got a call from Christine. It seemed the Operations manager (pretty much the head honcho of the hotel, as there’s only the hotel manager above him) had told Christine to off, and would let me in without an identification. You can imagine she wasn’t too pleased. I tried not too look too smug as I walked back in through the door. Well not too smug.

But anyway the dinner went fine and the tobacco guys seemed happy enough.

Yesterday afternoon I went into Poulton on my bike. It only takes about 10 minutes, and this journey can be cut short a bit more by riding through the “No bicycles allowed” path through the old peoples home. (When I say through the old peoples home I do not literally mean inside it, but there’s like a little court yard kind of thing with the building surrounding it).

As I cycled (I’m such a rebel) through this I met Caroline and Laura, who I stopped to talk to for a bit. I say a bit but it turned out to last a good 20 minutes or so, as Caroline and Laura proceeded to do some kind of double act that had me wondering whether they’d taken anything before they came out.

From this I managed to decipher that they had gone to Caroline’s house only to discover it locked and them without a key. So they had decided to mooch (that’s a good work that) around Poulton. What led was a barrage of questions, anecdotes, jokes, embarrassing secrets and slightly disturbing double acts from them.

The most confusing and disturbing being their re-enactment of a scene that had happened a few days earlier. Where Caroline played Hannah, Laura played Caroline and I played someone else who I don’t really remember, only for it then to change as Caroline played me and I didn’t really know whom I was anymore. And it was even more confusing than it sounds.

I’ll leave it there for know as I was sworn to secrecy and I fear their drug induced (I assume) wrath.

Anyway I finally got to Poulton and bought the Matrix Reloaded on DVD. I won’t give a review of the film here as I’ve already said a lot. But basically my opinion is that it isn’t as good as the first and can be confusing at times, but it does have some amazing cgi and fight scenes, that give me the hope that the third and finally instalment of the trilogy will be the best of the 3.

Oh I’ve just looked at my Simsons calendar. Apparently today is National coming out day. So all you closet case gays, its your day to come. You know who you are.

I’ll finish with a couple of quotes of the week.

In asking about some guy, Laura seemed to be implying some innuendo without realising it. That I can tell you is defiantly not true.
Laura: Well what about when you’re in the shower with him?

In re-enacting a scene that happened earlier in the week Caroline also adds some innuendo.
Caroline: I was playing with you in the common room.

Its those damn hormones I tell you.

Brought to you on weekly bases by the letters T and G and the number 7.

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