
Thursday, January 08, 2004

yes its me again. Contrary to popular belief i am not dead. I am very much alive and kicking. Well alive anyway, i've got a pain in my leg thats stopping me from moving let alone kicking....but thats besides the point.

Ah yes its 2004. And its been a bit disapointing so far. I mean where are all the flying cars? And robots to do the gardening? pfft. Pathetic i say. I won't be happy till i see R2-D2 cleaning my drains!

Anyway, yes a quick little post to remind you all that i will be makinbg a large post soon. Most likely this weekend so you can all hear off my humerous escapades. Either that or humerous escapades i saw on TV and have claimed as my own. So yes don't despair. ;)

If your missing me that much just say my name 5 times in a row and i magically appear!*

*warning. May be complete and utter bull (plop**)

**we have to censor it incase those fucking little underage tits read it. The bastards.

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