
Tuesday, August 03, 2004

like some sort of high powered straight from the scene news reporter who jet sets around the globe to bring you the most interesting and exciting news that you need to know right now, such as how is it that spanish poodles fur doesn´t go soggy in water? i bring you this blog update all the way from sunny gran canaria. yes the small island just of the coast of africa,. that is owned by spain, for no apparant reason.

sadly i don´t have long to talk to you as these spanish computeres seem to be a little behind teh times, still powered by steam and the coal i´ve put in will soon run out.

ah yes air travel, how exciting, how imaginitive, the way a large piece of metal manages to stay airborne quite amazing...it also gives you an idea of how a sardine in a tin feels. although i am not a fish, niether was i dead at the time of being on the plane, and as far as i know i wasn´t going to be eatan by someone but thats not the point. it soon became apparant why te tickets for the flight were so cheap as i discovered my seat to be right at the back of the aircraft in the corner, with little room to breath let alone move my head. however i did feel that if there was some sort of crash i was in the safest place at the back, only for this to be soon reconsidered as it meant i was the furthest away from any door to exit, damn.

anyway, it always seems to be the little things that start of a holiday. you know, those little things as you first jump in the swimming pool, go out to a reastaurant, or in our case have an argument over whether were allowed an inflattable bed (or lilo, as the hip youngsters like to call it) in the swimming pool. although my mum wasn´t actually bothered about using a "lilo" she took it as a mater of principal and was soon in the pool with it, so should could start an argument with someone about it.

now of course i fully supported my mum in this, but i felt it was better to sit back and let her handle it, she fumed about it saying the normal things of "how dare they tell me what i can´t do" and "we pay good mone to stay here", my interjection of the phrase "no we don´t we stay here for free cos your parents own it" was surprisingly un appreciated. anyway it seemed to be finally resolved, with the lilo removed from the pool, and mum deciding that she would remove the sgn that said "no lilos" from the wall in the middle of the night. right.....

anyway, my time seems to be running out at this point so i will end it here, with just a quick mention of.

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