
Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Sometimes on rare occasions i feel slighlty bad making fun of people at College. I mean, did they do anything to deserve i really? Its not really a nice thing to be doing is it? And then Aaron comes out with a phrase such as his know legendary "What was Jesus' first name?" and for some reason i quickly forget about feeling bad for mocking them.

Before you know it the summer holidays are over and you have to return to the labours of College/School/menial labour/prision sentence, and the long break becomes a distant memory and you surprisingly slip back into the normal lifestyle of College. Like any good student i prepared well for my return, read the books and done the notes i needed to for English Literature (well i've read half the book....and its best not to mention the notes), I thought hard about what i want to do for my History project and researched information for it (well i watched a James Bond movie last night, and that has something to do with Cold war espionage right?) and made sure i had my backpack neatly packed with new folders carefully arranged for my note taking (....i have a spare piece of paper in my pocket...).

This year we decided to try and make our common room a little more homely as we've all had to drop a subject so have a superlative amount of free periods. We got some nice sticky coat hooks for the walls so we have somewhere to hang our jackets (until someone attempted to steal mine today and in the ruckus to recover it my friend Kathy kindly punched me in the groin, i'm still not sure why...), and we now have a very lovely coconut palm plant tree thingy sat on the window sill and about as tall as a person. Makes you feel like you could be in the Carribean...if the weather complelty changed, we weren't in College, and we were actually in the Carribean, then it would really feel like we were there.

Our History group has now dropped down to all 6 of us, which is nice. In an annoying way because its far more difficult to avoid doing work. Though so far all we seemed to have duscussed is the defrocking of the Pope (hopefully not in public) and how black isn't actually a colour.

After a few weeks of getting his license Jamie decided this would be a good time to crash his car into a small plant. Though "replace decided" with "was in a race down a tight country lane when" and "small plant" into "whopping great hedge into a field". Thankfully no one was hurt, and some amusing pictures were taken of the car in the hedge. A kindly dog owner passing by decided to hell at them, rather then enquire if they were all okay, which seemed to finish of the incident nicely. And Jamies answer to the question of why he crashed "Because my tyre was underinflated" gave everyone a good laugh. Nothing to do with driving at 60mph of course.

Talking fo ridicule, Martin seems to be continually falling into recently (not mentioning the "next time we can steal her underwear" comment that is apparantly taken out of context, although that was the only thing he sayd). After buying a £50 table tennis bat over the weekend (and after much questioning it turns out it wasn't gold plated neither did it have flashing lights on it, so as to why it cost so much is anyones guess) we learnt that on Monday he had been beaten by a 64 year old table tennis player at a tournement of some sort, which many of us found to be hilarious. His continual claims of "but he was really good" didn't really help much.

I'm slighlty worried about Mr Riley (Head of 6th form) apart from the fact he never seems to remember my name and calls me sam (becoming common among many people now, over the past month or 2 i have been called Tim, Rob, Sam and Anthony) as he passed me in the corriodor asking me and Anna if we were ok he stroked my arm. In fact thinking about it, its the second time this week i've been stroked by another male, after an incident of not much room on the common room chairs and being sat far too close to Suzie and Sam as they seemed to pretty much have sex with their clothes on next to me (may be an exaggeration) as Sam went to stroke her he mistakenly stroke my arm instead. Much hilarity and ensued of course, though thinking back i'm not sure it was entirely a mistake. Irresistable to both sexes then it seems? Hopefully not.

Oh yes and apparantly i look like i'm foreign, specifically from Kiev. Which is...interesting.

Hmmm....this post seemed to lack my usual flair and randomness that the other post normally have.

Bazzoomm! Kapoow! I have a magic pet Penguin. Hes called Brian. Fizzleew!

Ah, there we go, much better. Until next time.

*Puff of smoke*

Look i've disappeared with a puff!

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